Online Massachusetts Real Estate Continuing Education Help and FAQ

FAQ for Online Massachusetts Real Estate Continuing Education

If you are looking for help with our online continuing education you have come to the right place. If you have any questions you can submit them below. While you are hear please see if we have already answered the question in our Frequently Asked Questions section below.

Please use this link to get back to your Online Continuing Education Player.

  • I want to become a real estate agent. Is this the right class for me?

    You have found your way to the wrong FAQ. This FAQ is for people that already have their license and need to do continuing education. Please go to the main FAQ for help regarding prelicensing.
  • Are there testes or quizzes that I have to take to complete the continuing education?

    No, there are no tests or quizzes.
  • Can I watch the online continuing education classes on my iPad?

    Yes, you can watch the classes on your iPad as long as you have an internet connection.
  • Can I watch the online continuing education classes on my Android phone?

    Yes, you can watch the classes on your Android smart phone as long as you have an internet connection.
  • Is the online continuing education accepted by the Board of Licensure?

    Yes, Our online continuing education is approved by the Board of Licensure.
  • Is Bay State Academy an accredited school?

    Yes, the school is registered and licensed to operate in the state of Massachusetts.
  • Do I have to complete the classes from the same computer?

    No, you can complete the classes from different computers. You will just need to login to your account and restart the class.
  • Can I take these classes to renew my Brokers License?

    Yes, these classes can be used to renew both a Real Estate or Brokers License for Massachusetts.
  • I see the video playing, but I do not hear anything. Why?

    You need to make sure the sound is “ON” or the volume is turned up. You may also want to make sure that your speakers are plugged in.
  • The video will not play on my computer.

    1.You may need to update the Adobe Flash Player that is installed on your computer. Click here to check which version is on your computer.
    2.If the version information does not matches the list on the bottom of the page for your computer system. You need to update Adobe Flash. Click on Player Download Center. Make sure to uncheck the option to install McAfee Security Scan Plus.
  • When do I receive a certificate of completion?

    Once you have finished a class a button will appear above the list of classes you registered for. You can print or save a copy of the certificate. You should wait to print or save a copy until you have completed all the classes that you registered for.
  • How many classes can I register for?

    Real estate licenses have to complete 12 credits of continuing education every 2 years to renew our license. You can register for all 6 classes, which would let you complete the 12 credits. Each class is equal to 2 credits. You can also register for as many as you need.
  • Will I receive credit for the same class if I have taken it multiple times?

    No, you will only receive credit for taking the class once in a 2 year period.
  • Can I listen to the video again?

    Yes, once you have completed a video. The arrow will turn red with a green check mark. You can watch that video as many times as you would like. You can know move through the video by clicking on the time bar below the video.
  • I am having problems playing the videos. I can see the video links on the right hand side of the screen but when I click on them they will not play. How do I play the videos?

    Chances are you are using an old Operating System like WindowsXP or Windows Vista and/or an Old Internet Browser. If you are experiencing difficulty the first thing you should try is upgrading your Internet Browser and/or try to use a different Browser and see if that solves the problem.

    If you are using an old Operating System like WindowsXP or Windows Vista you can NOT use Internet Explorer to Watch the Videos. You will need to use the Firefox or Chrome Browser. You can see links to download the latest versions below.

    Please upgrade your Internet Browser as follows:

38 thoughts on “Online Massachusetts Real Estate Continuing Education Help and FAQ

    • I just checked and you have watched 6870 seconds of the RE32RCO3 course. Which is about 115 minutes of a two hour video. So you have about 5 minutes left. When you log back in the system will start where you left off. Just let it play until the end and it will bring up a window saying that you got credit.

  1. I am trying to help a friend who just registered for these courses. we have both used the courses previously. we cannot get beyond the tutuorial. clicking on the courses gives no response. we are now trying my computer same result. I just updated my adobe flash same result please help

    • Hey Nancy, I was happy to here that installing the Firefox Browser solved your problem. For everyone else s benefit I will describe your issue here.

      Nancy had “Internet Explorer 8” installed on her machine. We discoverer that their is a bug with “Internet Explorer 8” and earlier editions. We are looking into a fix for this.

      However we have a work around. You can upgrade “Internet Explorer” to version 9 or higher. Or you can install the Firefox Browser and this will allow you to watch the videos.

      Here is the download link for installing the Firefox Browser.

  2. Hi Tim,

    I registered 6 continuing education classes. I finished the fair housing class and got a pop-up dialog box saying the class was complete. However, when I proceed to other classes, it says that I have to finish the fair housing class first. Is there anything I need to do after finish one class before I can start another?

    Thanks, Wendy

  3. i started the fair housing course and I don’t see a link to download the handouts. will this affect me getting credit for this class?

  4. Hi,
    I just finished contract law, and have had to re-take the last 35 minutes twice and it still will not let me move on to a new course, it keeps telling me I need to finish contract law… please help I need to get this done… I have wasted so much time …it’s almost 10pm and I started this at 345pm and It says i have only finished once class……………

  5. I already listened to 1 of my 6 registered classes, but the 1st is playing over again and I can’t get into another class? How do I rectify this?

  6. I have a similar problem to others noted above. I have finished a course and want to go on to the next course but I can’t access the course because it says I haven’t finished the last course. Please assist me…I need to do this quickly

    • I cant get on the next program I did 2 hours of fair housing, but I can’t go forward w/ the next. Joyce

  7. Cannot see the “links” you are referring to in the Fair Housing component. Am using my Firefox browser. Help, please?

    • I cannot see the links you are referring to in the Fair Housing course…the screen still just shows that opening screen with the course name…no other content is showing up

  8. Hi, I completed the first two hour video and the system will not allow to move on to the next.. please help

  9. This is the third time I have listened to the Technology session trying to get to the third session. I have emailed for help twice but no response in over 24 hours. I downloaded the latest version of Chrome in case that was the issue. Any ideas? I had hoped to complete this course this weekend but guess that won’t happen now.

  10. Hi, I read through all the FAQs re: taking the online continuing education classes, but I don’t see a cost for this anywhere. Is it free? If there is a cost, what is the cost to take the online continuing education classes?

    Thank you, Dave

  11. Last night I finished my 3rdclass RE19rc08 Fair Housing. The video stopped at 04 seconds and would not move from that. Opening the program this morning it started me at 10minutes into the video, why?
    As I have limited time, why should I have to retake a class I have already sat through?
    Could you please call me so we can rectify this. My # 508-695-6503
    James Lang

  12. I have taken the Financing Course 2x’s and just started it again because an error message is appearing saying I have not completed the Financing Course. How can move ahead and ensure I received credit for the Financing course?

  13. I completed RE08RC12 Massachusetts Real Estate License Law and Regulations and it is still coming up as a blue arrow, like I didn’t do it at all. What can I do?

  14. Hi Tim,

    I’m 7 minutes into the first course and I do not see anything on my screen that points me to the shared file you talk about.

  15. Hello –

    I completed my first 2 hour course and when I went to try to start the next one
    I could not . . . so I clicked on the first course again as I thought maybe it hadn’t run to the end and the course started all over again from the beginning . . . now I can’t seem to begin course number 2 without having to watch course number 1 all over again . . .
    thank you for assisting

  16. hi
    same problems as above..started today, logging back in tonight to do the second class and it will not let me move on to the next class. I completed the fair housing course and it is starting me from the beginning again!
    please help me so I can use the free time I have to complete this education.

  17. I’m in the fair housing segment of my continuing ed and it speaks to clicking on quiz links and how it’s important to participate with the quizzes, but there are no links to click. Advice?

    Also, just secondarily, you can’t rewind or back track on these class segments, can you?

    • Nina some of the classes were recorded during a live webinar class. You do not have to click on anything or download anything. You just need to watch and listen. The board does not allow us to give you access to video controls until you finish the 2 hour class. Once you finish the class you can move through the videos. You have access to the videos for 2 months. You can watch them as many times as you would like. You only receive credit for watching them the first time.

  18. Your entire bookmarks visual presentation is playing so far behind your audio that’s it’s nearly useless. Really need to fix this so one can follow and potentially learn and be able to apply. With the current lack of synchronization it’s pretty painful and not very edifying. I would have liked to have been able to use this information.

    • Nina sorry your having issues with the videos. That may be a problem with the internet connection. Have you tried to logout and close your browser and then log back in?

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