Massachusetts Real Estate License Application for PSI

As of March 2019 the Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons (Board) has made it a requirement that you turn in an application before being able to schedule your exam for Brokers and Salesperson exam.  This means anyone that has taken the class after March 2019 and 2 years before (March 2017 to March 2019) must turn in the application to PSI.

PSI will not forward the application to the Board until they receive the entire application.  So, that means if you forget to send them one page or do not fill in the application correctly.  You then have to be contacted by them either by email or mail and then it takes even longer for your application to be approved.  So this does not happen we have created a video to explain exactly how to fill out the application and where to send.

The application can be emailed or mailed in.  If you are going to email the application make sure to scan the application as a PDF document.

Email address:

Mailing address:

PSI Examination Services
ATTN: Examination Registration MA RE
3210 E Tropicana Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89121

Good luck and please let us know if you need any help with questions.

Video going over how to fill out the application:


If you took the Broker or Salesperson class before March 2018.  If your Candidates Eligible via Education Certificate has not yet expired.  Remember you only have 2 years from the date you complete the class to take the exam.  You can use the Certificate, Candidate Endorsement and the CORI (if notarized already) pages from the PSI Bulletin that you received when you finished class.  Just make sure to remove them from the PSI Bulletin carefully.

Salesperson PSI Application

Broker PSI Application

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